
official 20!!!

Ahhhh...Finally I had entered 20. Feeling good to breath for 20 years in this world. 
Thx for my daddy n mummy^^

I received a lots of wishes but very sorry that I had no time to reply u all...hehe..sorry ya..

Thanks a lot to my dear Junhong that prepare for a romantic celebration with me. This present are definitely awesome as I tried to prepare and I know it need so much passionate and time to complete it.. I really feel the tears are coming out but swallow by my smile^^

Can't express more by words. Here I share some photos with you all^^
My Mr 无菌宏

My 20th birthday present!  Our love story from before our relationship get stated to current.
150 photos!  Thx biiiii!!!

My gift from phuket gang!! Walaoo...mcm wedding gift more!! XD

Mango yogurt cheese!! From vivian that come all along from setapak. ^^

Roommates celebrate in room with moon cakes!!^^

Sushi zanmai! 

The most happy things is finally my family allow me to get in relationship!  Don't let them disappointed bah..
Jia you ah GJH!! XD



这个放假, 真的胖了很多。
胖得跟中五的自己一样了 =(
站在体重称上 看着眼前的数字 说不出的心寒
往日什么衣服穿起来都漂漂亮亮的衣裳 现在穿起来都不好看了
看着大镜子前的自己 真的不敢再多待一秒 心还是抽着疼
怪自己搀嘴 什么都愛吃
今晚吃着晚餐 真是一口一口的内疚 好对不起好不容易才瘦下來的自己

脸上的花容也遇到了 痘痘的攻击。用尽方法还是无法复原 心里真是坑了个洞
想买好点的美容产品, 拥有个漂亮的发型过生日的啊

钱不是万能, 没钱是万万不能!!

赶快瘦下来吧 ='(